Skin texture typically pushes a sculpt from "neat!" into a more organic, naturalistic rendering. Sharp needle tools are used to make "stretched" pores and wrinkles, a round ball-lookin' tool is used to make pores (thousands of 'em... very tedious), and then a citric-based solvent is used to smooth it all out and make it natural-looking... Pics of Gorgo's craggy skin after the jump...
Head-on shot of Gorgo's face. Note that the "pores" on the top left portion of the image aren't smoothed out yet with the solvent...

Side angle for light contrast.

And finally, a close-up of the skin around the eye-goggle.

Lemme know what you think, guys!
This is truly amazing work Rogelio. Congratulations, it appears that your persistence is finally paying off.
Now about that script...
That's pretty impressive man. Can't wait to see it in person on the 22nd.
holy shit rogelio.
Ah-thank you... Almost done with the whole head. Planning on making the plaster mold later this week.
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