UPDATE: New images were added by Yoshi. You guys know I'm a total sucker for the Street Fighter costume packs. In fact, I have purchased every last one to date. Recently, my facination with the Street Fighter DLC brought me to the wonderful world of Twitter. I now follow Yoshi OnoChin who I'm pretty sure is the lead designer behind the current iteration of the franchise. Long story short, here are some costume design reveals he has recently posted on his twitter starting with the first to be revealed: Fei Long. (by the way, he apparently keeps getting in trouble with Capcom PR for doing this)

The rest of the recently revealed skins after the jump!

Ryu looks like a modern Japanese pirate, Cammy looks like some kind of super hero, Juri still looks like a confused individual and Chun-Li is sporting her old duds... what do you guys think?
UPDATE: I've added the released images of Ken, Rufus, El Fuerte, Abel and one more slippery character.

...and last but certainly not least would you believe that for some reason I can't add any more pictures to this post!! Anyway, click the title of the post and it should link you to one final "oily" image.
These are pretty sweet (not crazy 'bout Ryu's Doo Rag). Awesome Bruce Lee (the tie and shades are perfect), but I'm just glad to see Alpha Chun-Li! Now do you remember which one I was talkin' about, Efren?
Yes, now I definitely remember what you were talking about. By the way... his name is Fei Long, vato.
Yeah. I know his name is Fei Long. But it's Bruce Lee's suit...
Super shweet. I stand corrected.
By the way, I pulled the trigger on a TE fightstick:
Dude, that's awesome.
What's your twitter account name?
Ok, I made a mistake somewhere and this post got jacked up. My apologies... at least you can still enjoy the images!
My Twitter account name is: TripleChimp
I dont use it for anything other than reading other poeples shit. I dont tweet.
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