Of all the classic games from the NES era yet to be remade I couldn't think of a better one than A Boy and His Blob. I remember watching Rogelio (ZombIto) play this game for hours. I used to think that the only point of the game was to feed the gluttonous blob jelly beans... apparently there is actually a full game with levels to play through. Anyway, I can't wait for this game. Retro video after the jump!
What game would you like to see get the re-make (or Wii-make) treatment? I'm gonna go get some jelly-beans.
I was pretty excited about this one too when I first saw it. Can't wait for you to buy it so I can play it.
Mira muy chingon! "Buy it so I can play it!" You gotta get your ass down here first, cabron.
$2.50 for a pinche weenie!
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