On a side note, I think you should name your guy "Bicicleta Man."
Eleni's "Guilty Pleasure" after the jump...
So Eleni and I saw Watchmen this weekend. However in anticipation of the movie we were trying to come up with super-hero names. For reasons that I'm sure you can appreciate I will not be going by the Super-hero name given to me by Eleni: "Nieve Suave." However her super hero name is a lot cooler: "Guilty Pleasure."

She looks mean! Whats wrong with "Nieve Suave"? As I recall, you gave yourself that name after looking at an appetizing poster of some soft-serve ice cream! ;)
Did you mean naive? Or did you mean clenched fist suave? Apparently thats what nieve means in a Northern Scottish dialect.
OHHHHH, nieve... as in soft serve as in ice cream.
I'm an idiot
Yeah, we were at Peter Piper and the menu on the wall was in both English and Spanish... they sell soft-serve there.
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