Having said that, this trailer is beautiful. I know Efren and I had originally disliked the way that Ang's tattoos looked. Well, with this nice blue glowing effect I am completely satisfied. The fight scenes look like they are gonna be pretty badass. Not to mention the water bending looked effing sweet.
I can't wait for this to come out.
Movie poster and super awesome find after the jump.

IT'S APPA!!!!!!!!

Did you mean to say that those reviewing it are ¨not¨fans or familiar of/with the original?
This definitely gets me excited but I really want to see Appa before I decide.
I understand what you wrote. Sorry.
Ok... I just rewatched the trailer.
Some thoughts: I totally agree with you about the waterbending. I feel like they really gave it some weight. As if getting slapped by some water would be like getting slapped by wet cement!
Did you notice the one shot where the water tribe is standing together with torches and Sokka is hugging Katara? That exac shot is from the intro to the first episode (which later changes because they find Aang of course).
I didn't notice it. I'll have to re-watch it. I agree with you about Appa. It isn't going to be easy to bring him to life. You can't make him too cuddly, you know? I am excited about the movie though.
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