Thursday, July 23, 2009


I didn't realize how well she spoke spanish.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Great Zeus's Ghost!!

I mean Michael's ghost!! This happened when Larry King's crew went to visit Neverland ranch. No joke... this has been getting some air-time on CNN!

My co-worker says he wont be convinced until he sees the ghost do the moon-walk.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Wii's Best Dance Crew?

This guy's name is Mike Song. He likes dancing and Mii music. Enjoy.

BY the way, Mike Song was on Adrian's favorite Dance Crew: KABA Modern


Thursday, July 2, 2009

The King of Pop - A Tribute

Not really a tribute to his music or video career, more like a tribute to his lasting legacy as a arcade game pioneer.
I mean, mecha-micheal? Really? Also, am I the only one that saw a green boner robot in that video?


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Real Ghostbusters

When I think back on my childhood two sets of toys come to mind. TMNT and The Real Ghostbusters. Do you remember how awesome the firehouse was, stupid blue pole red stand elevator and all? I found this sweet site. Got to say that I am a little surprised at how many of these we had. I don't ever remember getting them, just playing with them. Here is one of my favorites with more after the jump.

I totally remember chewing on that blue ghost. It was strangely satisfying.



An Endless Sporadic

Guitar Hero, for all its selling out, has managed to expose a lot of music-lovers to some great jams. This is especially true with some of their unlockable indie tracks, which as we all know have gone the way of the dodo due to the explosive success of DLC (I'm looking at you Guitar Hero: World Tour and Rock Band). Siiigh... we'll always have our memories though. Here are some choice tracks from previous installments of the franchise. To start us off we have Impulse by An Endless Sporadic.
If I remember what I read a year ago correctly, this song was written and recorded by two buddies who would send each other their work electronically and modify it remotely. They also wrote it specifically for GH:3! Cool huh? Get your Freezepop after the jump.

I think this song was also recorded exclusively for Guitar Hero.
