Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Residency in Portland?

You always hear that Portland is a great city for cycling. Never really considered living there... I guess I should put it on the list.

Portland's Bike Boulevards Become Neighborhood Greenways from Streetfilms on Vimeo.


Monday, March 28, 2011


Rogelio, your previous post was impressive indeed. This however is truly epic. GADOOUUKEN!


Friday, March 25, 2011

Life Lessons from the BATTLEFIELD (of Bad Co. 2)

Heya guys!

Did I ever tell you about the time I single-handedly defeated an enemy team of seven, that included NO LESS than four level 50 soldiers?

Let me set the stage for ya. I was playing ATTACKERS on Rush mode. Atacama desert. We had gotten 'em down to their very last two M-Comm stations, but as the DEFENDERS decimated our reserves (they were, after all, a hefty team of level 50s), most of my teammates dropped out, leaving me utterly alone to win the fight (or die). They had me pinned down at our deployment. Insta-kills on spawning with close to 10 reserve units left on my one-man ATTACKER team. Three tanks, an Apache, and 3 ground troops were barreling down on me when lo' and behold... the game finally decided to spawn me far enough away from my enemies that I was able to sneak off onto their ENTIRELY UNDEFENDED base! The time it took me to cross that final, zero-cover patch of desert felt like an eternity. I was just WAITING for the moment when that sniper bullet dropped me to the ground... Moments later, I'd set both M-Comm bombs, hid by Alpha, and waited. They never made it.

Just goes to show ya, when the chips are down and the odds are against ya, keep pushin' through. Cheese-y, I know, but nevertheless true. And the feeling of accomplishment afterwards? Incomparable.

Proof after the jump.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

To Show Up Efren... again

So, duh, of course I already knew about her. Everyone does. Efren, we even talked about it a long time ago. Here is the pic of the story in question. After the jump? Some bad ass wallpapers.


Guall Pappers

I still haven't found a worthy replacement for my Boba Fett/Darth Vader via Pulp Fiction wallpaper but I have been compiling a nonetheless awesome variety of options. Enjoy after the brinco.


This Next Post is Going Out to All the Lovely Adris Out There...

So, my idea this morning was to make a post solely catering to Adri's tastes because I hadn't seen him on the Chimp recently. Then the a-hole went and posted about the Legend of Korra before I had a chance! Regardless, here is the aforementioned Adri-centric post. Vids after the jump (DUH)!

I've been watching LeftHandedMonkey's "Dan's Road to Top Tier" for a while now - Highly entertaining - and he just recently put out a Tupac Shakur inspired song about Dan not having any friends and his plight against rage-quitters. Enjoy!
Next up we have a lovely mashup inspired by two things Adri loves: boys and peanut-butter. Just kidding, Mass Effect and Cowboy Bebop.


Monday, March 7, 2011


Dude, Efren... how did I see this before you. Or did you see it and just didn't want to share with your brothers?


Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Don't Even Play CoD Anymore...

...but this trailer for the PSN release of the first map pack is pretty awesome.

For a really nice treat hit the jump!
The graphics on this game look ridiculous!

For a double bonus here is the fastest round yet recorded in a Marvel v Capcom 3.

For those of you who dont know jack shit about Marvel Versus games (Adrian), the guy playing as Sentinel caught both his opponents point character and assist in a super move, hit x-factor, then did a second super immediatley resulting in total ownage.
