Friday, December 31, 2010

Texting and Driving PSA

Lisa has been adamant about me not texting and driving for some time. Have to admit I still do it from time to time, but I am getting better. This video is a little heavy handed, especially the last story, but worth a watch. Share it with people who text while driving if you want.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

I wanna go riding.

I'm all for riding fixed. It really is fun and it gets you in shape pretty quick. Going up a hill without being able to change gears sucks. Anyhoo, this video kind of puts things in perspective. Reminds me of younger days with coaster brakes and contests to see who could leave the longest skid mark on the road.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This Looks Effing Sweet

My exam is on the 17th, can't wait to Battlefield it up afterwards... By the way, we are VIPs right? I don't remember how that works.


Friday, November 19, 2010

The McGurk Effect

This all makes sense. I mean, of course it's going to change. But it still freaks me out. Enjoy!


Monday, November 8, 2010

Die 1000 Deaths!!

The So Cal Regionals tournament just wrapped up late last night (Nov. 7) after two full days of Capcom based ownage (mixed with a little Namco). The main game was of course Super Street Fighter IV with literally the BEST players in the world representing. Japan's Daigo "the Beast" Umehara [Ryu] lost to America's FilipinoChamp [Dhalsim] but the real showstopper came a few fights prior.
I've been watching Japanese Akuma player Tokido wreck unholy shop on youtube for a couple of months now so I was so pumped to see that he was competing in the So Cal Regionals. Nothing could have prepared me for the premeditated victory pose he unleashed on the unsuspecting crowd. The balls on this guy, to project Akuma's glowing back tat on to his own back after a game winning Ultra I! Its a GD shame that the live stream didnt pan over but the excitement in the crowd is palpable. Here is a seperate video from youtube that has a better angle. Last but not least, here is a compilation of some of his best stuff on the asian Xbox Live server.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Internal Medicine Drains Me

So instead, check out this guy's unorthodox tricks. Pretty sweet.

Tim Knoll BMX from tim knoll on Vimeo.


Monday, September 20, 2010

First post in a while's gonna be short...

and sweet! Sweet, sweet alcohol, that is... Found this whilst buggin' about on the interwebs. Could make for an awesomely nerdy weekend:

The Drunken Moogle: Videogame-Themed Mixed Drinks

P.S. My favorite (at least in so far as looks) is "the Metroid" at the top of page 6. Check 'em out!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Now We're Speaking My Language!!

My two favorite characters, E. Honda and T. Hawk, have finally had their new alt costumes revealed! By the way, whats with all the abbreviated/animal names (M. Bison, C. Viper, T. Hawk, R. Carp)? Anyway, here they are:

By the way, pretty much all the costumes have been revealed. You can check em all out here. Come back and post your thoughts. Early observation, the big knot on peoples back (Akuma Alt 1, E Honda Alt 1 & 3 etc...) has been played.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I don't like being left out of...

...the street fighter pic updates. So here is one of my own. Hope you like it. These are a little more detailed than yours, though.


Friday, September 10, 2010

[UPDATE] SSFIV Costume Pack Reveals

UPDATE: New images were added by Yoshi. You guys know I'm a total sucker for the Street Fighter costume packs. In fact, I have purchased every last one to date. Recently, my facination with the Street Fighter DLC brought me to the wonderful world of Twitter. I now follow Yoshi OnoChin who I'm pretty sure is the lead designer behind the current iteration of the franchise. Long story short, here are some costume design reveals he has recently posted on his twitter starting with the first to be revealed: Fei Long. (by the way, he apparently keeps getting in trouble with Capcom PR for doing this)

The rest of the recently revealed skins after the jump!

Ryu looks like a modern Japanese pirate, Cammy looks like some kind of super hero, Juri still looks like a confused individual and Chun-Li is sporting her old duds... what do you guys think?

UPDATE: I've added the released images of Ken, Rufus, El Fuerte, Abel and one more slippery character.

...and last but certainly not least would you believe that for some reason I can't add any more pictures to this post!! Anyway, click the title of the post and it should link you to one final "oily" image.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

This one is for you, honey...

Now after the jump.


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Another Puzzle Solved

Thought you might like this, Efren. Been following this guy on DeviantArt for a while now. You should check it out, goes by Luigil. He has some really great art.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Worst Ways to Kill Zombies in Dead Rising 2

I only have a few memories of Frank West's romp through a zombie-infested mega mall in the original Dead Rising. In fact what most sticks out is Dad being pretty pissed/disgusted when Adrian powered up a lawnmower and plowed through the courtyard of said mall resulting in lots and LOTS of flying undead chunks. I also remember that being able to use pretty much anything as a weapon was one of the main attractions! Well it appears that Dead Rising 2 will not disappoint in that category:

This actually makes me REALLY wanna play.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Remake We've All Been Waiting For...

...has finally arrived! This one has been a long time coming, but it appears that Sqaure/Enix has finally given fans what they've been asking for: a remake of arguably the most popular Final Fantasy game of all time. I bring you Final Fantasy VII.

You guys wanted it in 8-bit right?


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Marcel the Shell

THought you guys might like this. It's kind of weird at first, but Marcel totally grows on you.

MARCEL THE SHELL WITH SHOES ON from Dean Fleischer-Camp on Vimeo.



Friday, August 20, 2010

Darth Maul might be dead...

But his ridiculously named brother aint!

You heard right, Darth Maul's bro-ho's name is Savage Opress.
The first season of Clone Wars was cool, the second was awesome... let's hope the third blows 'em out of the water.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

CYGLO makes your ride Glow

Haven't done a bike mod post in a while. Thought you guys might like this one. It is essentially a tire that has LEDs built in. When they are spinning they look like a solid line. I'm thinking it looks sweet and it will keep you from getting hit at night. I wonder if the LEDs make this tire a bad ride. Who knows, they aren't in production yet and I don't really have a use for 'em. Just thought you guys might like to see them. Kind of makes me want to pretend I'm in TRON.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Mass Effect Cosplay

Found this on DeviantArt. This guy has some skills. I know you guys haven't played Mass Effect but you can definitely appreciate some good work. Here is a link to his blog that shows progress shots.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Michelangelo is a Party Dude!!

Saw this vid today, couldnt resist posting it.

Who knew that turtles could feel through their shells?! Not this guy!


Monday, July 5, 2010

The Last Star Tour (Bender?)

Never written a flat out "vent" post but there is a first time for everything I suppose.Eleni and I just recently got back from a very fun trip to Los Angeles. The initial reason for going was a nostalgic one: giving my favorite theme park attraction, Star Tours, a proper sendoff before its upcoming update/renovation into a 3D pod-racing ride. Being a self-proclaimed Star Wars geek (and still reigning champion on Star Wars Trivial Pursuit) I think its safe to assume, dear reader, that I was quite fond of Star Tours. In a somewhat anti-climactic turn of events, Disneyland was saved for the very last full day of our trip. Furthermore, we saved this ride for last on our schedule. Well, why drag it out... this ride is total crap by today's standards and is in DIRE need of an overhaul. The real disappointment most obviously came from my high expectations. No worry, expectations adjusted. I'll always have The Mummy Returns: The Ride at Universal Studios (photo after the jump.)
The worst part, which dovetails nicely into the second part of this post, is that after exiting the lackluster Star Tours, Eleni turns to me and says "Well, at least we have The Last Airbender to look forward to when we get home." I think you can guess where this is going. I was so overwhelmingly upset with this movie that I won't even bother wasting screen space on it. In my humble opinion, it defies logic how this movie could be so damn bad. All I really want to say is "Please dont watch this, and please do watch the series." Ahhh what could have been. By the way, my favorite part of the trip (I think Eleni would concur) was the Getty Museum and the Getty Villa!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Port de Balès Cows

Haven't put up a cycling vid in a long time. Here is a cool one. While doing some recon on the Port de Balès in the Pyrenees, the upcoming stage 15 in the TDF, Lance had some unexpected visitors. There is a second vid after the jump with a little more talking and explanation of what they are doing.

I do want you to note that in this first vid Lance is getting himself ready to be filmed (he doesn't realize it is already recording) and in the "actual" video he wanted to release he is more put together. Not that there is anything wrong with that.


Monday, June 21, 2010

A Look at the Different Nations (Updatedx2)

Just found these. Shyamalamadingdong totally nailed the look of the different nations. I cannot wait for these movies to come out. I just hope I'll have time to go watch it. I will be on my psych rotations, so shouldn't be too busy.

Here is the Water Nation, it is the one that impressed me the most. The other three after the jump.

Updated: io9 just posted this cool info on how ILM created some of the effects in the movie.

Here is also a buttload of high res pics that they released.

Air Temple

Fire Nation

Earth Nation

Do you like how I changed the color of the progress bar? Thought it was a nice touch. What do you guys think?


Friday, June 18, 2010

Haha, Classic Appa.

Here is a new teaser for The Last Airbender. Appa makes a longer appearance. I have to say again... I don't think that I like Aang's voice. Oh well.

Also, io9 did a brief review of Jonah Hex. They essentially say that every time it could have been real badass they ruined it. The say it sucks. Just to give you an idea, the post title is "Jonah Hex will make you want to burn your face with a red hot axe." Pretty descriptive I would say. Oh well, still have the comics.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Contra v Tetris

Ever wonder how a mashup between Contra and Tetris might look? For your viewing pleasure:

I always wondered where those damn blocks came from... this is not what I expected.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mortal Kombat the way it should be...

Can you imagine a movie like this. This is super awesome. I would LOVE to watch this movie. The internets are still out on what it is. A preview for a new MK game? A movie that was never made? What do you guys think?


Friday, June 4, 2010

I Don't Remember This Product Placement

Enjoy Adidas' "original" World Cup ad. I guess this is pretty awesome... but hasn't the original trilogy seen enough changes in its lifetime? This is still better than Han shooting first.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Red Dead Redemption CO-OP

I was just thinking the other day, as much fun as attacking gang hideouts with your little brother is it can definitely get old. Wouldn't it be cool if there was a more structured co-op? Much to my surprise it was in the works the entire time. Hell. Yes.

Ever since I joined twitter my following list has grown to include a great many diverse people. Some of my favorites (in no particular order) are Batman, Conan, HHTDL, and mos recently Kevin Butler himself.

I also follow a lot of game developers including Rockstar. This is how I heard of this, just wanted to add that. You guys that can have twitter apps on your phones... I recommend it.


Super Hero Garb..., IMO, getting dangerously close to this. Here are the latest images of our favorite Marvel heroes to make the transition to the big screen.

Thor (complete with Mjolnir):

Here is Good ol' Cap (sans wings on head):

As far as I'm concerned they really missed the mark on this next one after the jump.

I guess this is better than the Galactic Hurricane from the second Fantastic Four movie...


We Need Emotional Content

I used to be a huge Bruce Lee fan. Now I remember why. Lee is often remembered for his supernatural martial arts prowess, but forgotten for his philosophy.

Im not sure who recounted this story. Lets speculate! Chuck Norris? John Saxon?


Monday, May 31, 2010

BP Spill is such a disaster

It really is frustrating to hear how grossly unprepared BP was for this. Especially seeing as how they knew they had a weakness and no way of stopping it if any spill actually happened. With so much coverage of the spill I figured I'd put this up that I found today. A little more lighthearted yet disheartening at the same time.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Iron Baby

This is what Iron Man 2 should have been. Kidding, but seriously, this is awesome.


Let Me Hear You Scream...

Or: the Day Ozzy Stained a lot of Shorts Brown.

This is hilarious. Also, Sharon Osbourne looks like a wax sculpture at the end. Can she even open her mouth all the way?


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"How's this for a movie prop?"

Click to enlarge! More pics after the jump...


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How to Duel in RDR

I have been having a blast with Red Dead Redemption. In short, it's probably the closest I'll get to living out my secret fantasy of being a cowboy. The one thing I havent gotten the hang of is the Duel. Partly because I missed the directions during the in game tutorial and partly because ITS NOT IN THE DAMN BOOKLET! Anyway, I found this vid and decided to post it here. Bonus: its on the PS3!!


Monday, May 17, 2010

I Have a Bad Feeling About This

It is with much sadness that I report (link to a story) that Star Tours is closing for good. I mean, sure, this ride felt dated 10 years ago, but its effing Star Tours!! I wouldn't doubt it if we Salinas bros. road this dang thing 20 times between us. Not only was this ride awesome, but the before and after were great too. Waiting in line had you shuffling through a docking bay populated with droids while you wait to board. Upon safely "arriving" after the tour, you walk out into the coolest gift shop of any Dinsey park which I recall selling rare Star Wars toys. Anyway, I would love to go on Star Tours one last time before they replace it with their new 3D pod race attraction. Any takers? Bootlegged video of the entire ride after the jump.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Playstation Store

For some strange reason, Sony releases all new DLC available on their Playstation Store service on Thursdays - as opposed to Microsoft which releases content on Tuesdays. This would be great if it meant we (meaning PSTriple owners) got things EARLY on Thursday and Microsoft got it LATE the following Tuesday... this is not the case. Anyway, Sony is finally gonna begin releasing new content on Tuesday's like all other civilized content providers/brick and mortar stores, so this should really equalize things. "Whats that? Microsoft still kicks our ass by scoring timed exclusives such as the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Pack more than a month in advance?" Well, at least I can be disappointed by Sony earlier in the week now!


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jonah Hex First Trailer

Dude, this does NOT look like Wild Wild West. This trailer brought my hopes back up. Also, I think his face looks awesome. I don't know Rogelio, this could be good.


Geocitisize TripleChimp

Remember crappy mid 90's websites? Check this shit out. TripleChimp in the mid 90's style internetz.


Games for Lisa: ilomilo

I've decided, about ten seconds ago, that I am going to start a new recurring post. Games for Lisa is underway. The sole purpose? Get Lisa playing video games. She already plays casual games on her computer. Of course they are just rip offs of board games made interactive, but nonetheless, it's a start. She had a little trouble with Flower, but I think it might just be that it was too new of a concept for her. She, of course, has never used a sixaxis controller or anything like it.

She did really get into Carcassonne for a while. We actually played that game quite a bit. Don't know why we haven't in so long. I'm sure our strategy is going to be off for a while when we finally do. Again, though, it is just a digital version of a board game. Other than the fact that the Xbox Live Arcade version does the scoring for you, I prefer the IRL version.

Anyways, the point is going to be to get Lisa to work her way up to a true gamer, whatever that means. It begins with ilomilo, a game that is coming to Xbox Live Arcade. Hopefully it won't be too much. Hope she likes it. Here's a vid of the game, and their blog.

Great music, no?


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

If you didn't like Fringe before...

how could you not like it now? It's no secret I love this show. Lisa and I have a Fringe date every week. There are some ridiculous story lines that make absolutely no sense medically or scientifically, but I can ignore that. This trailer for an upcoming episode makes me giddy with excitement. Oh well, back to "Cutaneous Clues to Systemic Disease."


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jonah Hex Sneak Peak Trailer

Holy crap. Yes it's an 11 second long clip and most of that is riddled with boring filler BUT... check this shit out! Also, Rogelio, I now totally agree with you. They should have made his face much more effed up.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

I'll give you one guess who makes a quick appearance in the new Airbender trailer...

I get more and more excited about this film the more I see. At first, when I heard Aang speak, I was very disappointed but it doesn't bother me anymore. Just keep up the freezing of enemies and I'll be happy.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jonah Hex Pic Surfaces

Here is a pic of Jonah Hex's face in the upcoming film. How do you guys think it compares to the comics? I think this movie is going to be sweet. Really hope that Megan Fox doesn't ruin it.



This one is for you Efren. I know you like wrestlers of the luche libre variety. How do you feel about a hero of heros that fought Aliens, Nazis, Frankenstein's Monster, Vampires and more? Here is a link to a quick history of Santo. Gallery after the jump. Enjoy!
