Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Discover the Cycle Again"

Not another PSA, but still cycling specific. The city of Gothenburg has this going to encourage people to ride more. I like it.


Sunday, September 27, 2009


I would never do this, but still. Thought it was pretty cool. Cause it's LEGO, and who doesn't love LEGO.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

This is only a test.

Just wanted to see if I could post from my phone.

Not sure what this pic is. Let's see if it works.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Golden 8-Bit Oldies

Its cold and raining in McAllen. This is rare. Lets brighten our morning with a hot cup of Classic Chiptunes!

I realize this is kind of a lazy post, but I felt compelled to jam.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fringe Season 2 Opener

If anyone either watches Fringe and doesn't think its good or doesn't watch Fringe... You. Are. Dumb.

This past Tuesday's season opener was effing AMAZING. I was studying so I wasn't able to watch it til tonight, after Lisa got back from visiting home. I have to say, I liked this show's first season, but this opener... FREAKING AWESOME. I would spoil plot points but I am assuming that after such a glowing review you all will immediately buy the first season on dvd and watch it all. Then you can Hulu the new episode. It is on Hulu, right?

Night fellow triplechimps.

PS Yes those are fetuses in the apple.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Marshmallow Test

You can tell that I really have to study because I can't help but procrastinate.

Here is another gem. Psych experiment on kids.

Oh, The Temptation from Steve V on Vimeo.


Ken Block for Dirt2

Haven't downloaded the demo for Dirt2 yet, BUT... after watching this vid I definitely am going to. Not sure if I'll like the game but this vid definitely makes me like Ken Block more.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Halo ODST Live Action Trailer

Not sure if you guys ever saw the "Believe" ads that MSoft and Bungie put out for Halo 3. They did a damn good job. They definitely got it right this time around for ODST.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Phone Call Etiquette

Several factors came together last night that resulted in a painful bump on my forehead. It hurt... a lot.
Here's what happened: I got a late call last night from one Eduardo Becerra. Ripped from my deep sleep, I shifted over in my bed reaching for wherever the sound of my phone seemed to be coming from - I was still half asleep. Thats when face met nightstand.
The moral of my story is dont call my ass so late at night. Im pretty much in bed by 10.
In the meantime, anybody got an ice-pack?


Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I've posted about this before. This is a great weekly web comic that I have grown quite addicted to. The infrequent "skip week" really hurts me. I NEED my FreakAngels fix every Friday. Anyhoo, here is a link to the first page. There should be around 360 pages now. 6 pages a week. Efren, read it.


Forgive Me Tres Changos

Chimp number three has been busy. A heartfelt apology to my fellow contributor, Chimp number two, for neglecting my editorial duties. I dont have much time but I'd like to address something that I've been thinking about lately.

I am a life long gamer. I can still remember getting the NES with the Mario/Duck Hunt cartridge, Pac-Man and Double Dragon.

In fact, few things bring me as much joy as rippin' through the shrink wrap of a new game before even getting it home from the store.
That being said, I have come to realize that I don't need video games I just want video games. This is obvious, but gaming was my main priority for the better part of the last 20 years. Now I find myself barely able to squeeze in a 45 minutes session here and there. I still love gaming, I just have no time for it and my heart and soul is begrudgingly beginning to accept this.
But then again... when I get some time to myself... and my fully charged controller is sitting on the sun room table... "whats that Nazi Zombies? You want me to no-scope you in the face?..." I think to myself. "Ok, I think I can do that."
At the end of the day, I find it hard to think of anything so de-stressing as a good video gaming session.
