Monday, August 17, 2009


So classes just started again... fun. But on a happy note I have been moved to a new mentor group that is pretty great. One of my new mates used to be a professional classical singer, i.e. opera. Check this vid out. She is the Diva with the orange shawl.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Macaframa Rider

The Macaframa dvd was great. This new guy seems a bit nuts.

Massan from MACAFRAMA on Vimeo.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Oh Me Oh My

Was that the 300th post? Yes, I finally get a milestone. Efren, is that why you weren't posting?


Colnago's 2010 Lineup...

Oh my goodness... drool...

I have been wanting a cheaper bike that I could use as a more solid commuter. I love riding my Yamaguchi, but I already put a scratch on it. Let me tell you, it hurt. AND, it was right over one of the small graphics. Still miffed about it.

Anyhoo, I can't sacrifice form for function and these Colnagos might just be the ticket. I just hope they aren't super expensive, which they probably will be. I just think they look so classy. I have never really liked the Colnago road bikes. Something about them just doesn't suit my style. On the other hand, the Master series and the Super, just look so good. Here are a couple of pics.

By the by, Efren, we have let TripleChimp go by the wayside. We need to start posting again. Congrats on your new job and I'll see you guys soon.

Master Series (more colors after the jump)

and the Super (also more views after the jump)
