Monday, December 29, 2008


Zombie Rogeliooo like original Warhaaaawk on Sony's Playstation 1 gaming system...  
Ha! My first official post to TripleChimp! All kidding aside, not even Adry prematurely putting me to death could keep me from participating in this kick-ass new blogging venture.  While a bit tardy (cut me so F'ing slack...  Adry killed me for Pete's sake and it took me a while to figure out how to re-animate myself!), I look forward to posting my thoughts on video games, film, retro gaming, and other delightful goings-on from within my rotting, mushbucket-of-a-head.

I smell like hot, rotting garbage, now...  Thanks, Adry.

Stinky hugs and kisses,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude, who shit in your cereal?

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