Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More Zombies!!

Im thrilled to report that there will be more Zombies coming to Call of Duty: World at War in the near future. No news on if they will be of the Nazi ilk... personally I'm an equal opportunity zombie "dispatcher" so whatever they wanna throw at me I'll take it.

I've been playing a lot of Call of Duty online recently and I have a few impressions:
First, I had no idea how addictive online FPS frag-fests could be.
Second, I love sending out dogs to take out my enemies.
Third, Whats the damn deal with these wimps on my "team" that dont ever go for the flag or capture zone in War mode. I actively try to flank the opposing team but with the ultimate goal of taking the zone. I hate seeing my own team camping out at the respawn zone of our enemy.
Take the fun out of it why dont'cha!


Efren said...

I just realized that all four of my posts today involved zombies. I swear I didnt plan it that way. There must be something in the air!

Beetlejuice is essentially a zombie right?

Unknown said...

Haha, good point. Well done on the several posts. Maybe we can frag some zombies when I come home for spring break.

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