Friday, February 13, 2009

MACAFRAMA demean Council of Doom

Council of Doom put out this full length trailer for their upcoming dvd. I have to say after watching the Macaframa film, this just looks childish. Council of Doom below, Macaframa after the jump.

council of doom: official full-length trailer from wolfgang on Vimeo.

MACAFRAMA Trailer from MACAFRAMA on Vimeo.

Per Efren's request. Here is a link to Macaframa vids from the movie. My favorite is the fourth from the top.

1 comment:

Efren said...

After the guy throws the bike in the first vid I stopped watching.
The 2nd video however I saw from beginning to end. That guy at 1:29 is SICK. Actually the whole video was awesome though.

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