Monday, February 16, 2009

We forgetful FOOLS!

Here is a barrage of 80's classics. I cant believe I used to watch some of this crap.

More 80's magic after the jump.

I could go on, but I think I should just stick to these. What do you a-holes think?


Unknown said...

Come join the fun, we're the shitty bits.

Are you sure that all of those are 80's?

By the way, I didn't remember David the Gnome's theme sucking so much.

Efren said...

Some of these may be 90's and some may be from even earlier.

Rogelio said...

Dude... a beer to the man that can tell me Sam's last name (from Today's Special). By the way, I know it. And no cheating by Googling it!

Efren said...

Sans googling... Crenshaw.

Unknown said...

Crenshaw... duh.

Can I get a beer too?

Efren said...

He said a beer to the "man" not to the "little lady."

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