Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Oh me, oh my! How could I have not known this!?! I came upon an article on a cycling blog by chance that Macaframa are holding a free screening here in Dallas. To say I'm excited doesn't suffice. I cannot wait. I would totally ride my bike over there if it weren't Lady Belzer freaking out about me riding in icy conditions. Some vids here and after the jump.

PS Ito, I played the DLC for Fallout 3 for an hour this morning before I left home. Its amazing!! I'll review it as soon as I get a chance.

MACAFRAMA Trailer from MACAFRAMA on Vimeo.

Macaframa from MACAFRAMA on Vimeo.

Macaframa from MACAFRAMA on Vimeo.

Macaframa from MACAFRAMA on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Efren said...

Silly Adrian... Rogelio doesnt read the blog.

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