Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Loaded... a tough effin' game

Remember this crazy ass game? One of the first PlayStation memories I have is playing Loaded. In the vein of games like Smash TV and Guantlet, Loaded took it to the next level with a nightmare inducing cast of savory characters including:

Fwank: A Clown-mask wearing psycopath who carries around a teddy bear which doubles as an explosive homing bomb.

Cap'N Hands: A wierd pirate with massive arms and six-shooters. His rib-cage is exposed which makes him look extra cool. He was Rogelio's favorite if I'm not mistaken.

Butch: A cross-dressing cannibal. For some reason I always played as him... her... IT.

There is a few other memorable characters... reminisce after the jump.

Music is pretty badass if you ask me.

The sequel to this game, aptly titled "Reloaded," was just as much fun... and hard. I recall complaining about the long load times to which Adrian urged patience citing that it was "reloading."


Unknown said...

Haha, reloading... I guess I can be more clever than I thought. This game definitely was tough as nails! Remember what other game was tough as cowhide? Cause I don't, but I can describe it to you. Similar top down view, Hercules, "Where's the Beef!?!", crazy tough Amazons. Help me out here Efren.

Efren said...

You would be referring to a little known gem entitled "Herc's Adventure."

Rogelio said...

My GAMES!!! I miss them... plus, "Reloading..." Hehehehe. Oh, Adry.

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