Monday, January 19, 2009


my name is Efren and I love video games. My boss was out today because her mother had a stroke and unfortunately seems to be on the way out. My thoughts are with her. On the other hand I wanted to take advantage of the situation and get some DS action in while wasting away in my office. Frequent readers will note that I have a lot of down time. Anyway, a massive fire broke out north of Mission, TX and I had to go cover it dashing all hopes of getting in a gaming session. I realize that this makes me sound insensitive, however... I just love video games. Here is a trailer for my current favorite game (the one I wanted to play) Castlevania: Order of Occlesia.

The chick in the intro movie is the main character. Her name is Shanoa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter how much you play, you never get your fill! Its ok though, I've come to accept your deep-rooted love for videogames.

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