Monday, January 26, 2009

"I cant believe..." "I cant believe..."

What the crap?! Has Capcom forgotten which platform helped catapult Resident Evil into one of the most succesful franchises in recent video game history? It stings enough when PS3 gets the crap end of the deal on a "timed exclusive" release of a video game, but now even the damned demo is a timed exclusive! For those of you not in the know regarding the topic of my rant, Xbox 360 owners can download the demo for the highly anticipated Resident Evil 5 today but PS3 owners have to wait a full week.

I cry foul, Capcom! Resident Evil 1, 2 & 3 where originally only for the Sony Playstation, but in recent years remakes and ports of the games have made there way to the Nintendo (Game Cube and Wii) as well as the Xbox 360. Where is the Sony love I ask?!

Oh wait! Adrian gave me his old 360... nevermind! Full review of the demo tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hahaha, you totally had me going. It didn't even cross my mind that I had given you the old 360, your anger seemed so real.

Let me know how it is. I probably won't download it.

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