Monday, January 26, 2009

Glutton vs. Food

Have you guys seen this show Man vs. Food? For starters, considering the day and age we're living in, I might be embarrassed to host a show like this. Adam Richman, the host of the show, goes around the country tackling eating challenges. Here is a fun list of crazy shit that this guy has eaten: 
  • a 72 ounce steak accompanied by a bread roll, a baked potato, ranch beans, shrimp cocktail and a salad.
  • a 30 inch, 11 pound "Carnivore Challenge Pizza" which consisted of 6 pounds of crust and sauce plus five pounds of pepperoni, ground beef, italian sausage, ham and bacon. And...
  • his upcoming challenge is 15 dozen oysters... thats a whopping 180 oysters. (Im pretty sure hes gonna barf on this one, fo sho!)
To be honest, I really dont like this Richman fella. However, my favorite episodes are the ones in which he eats unbelievably spicy stuff. Like the "spiciest curry in the world" which according to the restaurant owner who serves it actually made someone start bleeding from his nose. Here is a promo for that episode.
I think this post was inspired by Adrian's newfound wealth of gastrointestinal knowledge.


Anonymous said...

I find the show a bit disgusting. Its simply a large endorsement for gluttony. As if we Americans aren't fat enough.

Efren said...

The message of the show: as long as its entertaining (which in this case it kind of is), its OK to indulge far beyond normal human capacity. Its the American way!

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