Friday, January 30, 2009

Isla de Pascua

For reasons I cant explain (but will attempt to), I've always wanted to visit Easter Island - you know the island with all the Giant heads. I think this interest has been renewed by recent episodes of Lost. Thats not to say that Easter Island has become unstuck in time or that its near impossible to locate or even that it has menacing smoke monster protecting it, however, to say that it has no mysteries of its own would be a disservice. 
A special territory of Chile, the island located 3,600 km off the coast is one of the most "isolated inhabited islands" according to my good friend Wikipedia. However my reason for being so fascinated is of course the famous Moai statues/sculptures or "Easter Island Heads." In all a whopping 887 Moai have been found with the heaviest weighing in at 82 tons! The working theory is that they were carved out of volcanic ash from a single site on the island. Apparently they are "memorials" for deceased leaders. The fact that a large cache of these monoliths was found near the volcano site seems to indicate that they were eventually gonna make a trip to another location.
Ok, thats enough about Easter Island... and yes, I did make this post extra long because I didnt want to see the "stick-through-leg" picture everytime I booted up the ol' blog. Hasta Luego!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Spring Break Trip?

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