Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cartoony, some prefer otherwise.

I can't say that I like the toon animation for SFIV. Then again I haven't played it. There is a contest going on at GameArtisans to re-imagine the SF characters in a realistic way. Pretty bloody badass. Eff toony. Couple more after the jump.


Efren said...

Man this Guile is Bad Ass!! I almost wish there was a stand-alone Guile game featuring this render. I particularly like blood stained right boot.
I wonder why he has that bandage on his hand though. Did he accidentaly Sonic Boom will rubbing one out?

Rogelio said...

Very thoughtful details, there. Bloody boot from flash-kicking some poor sucker... And did you notice his famous winning stance comb stuck behind his right ear?

Efren said...

I had not noticed the comb... cool touch!

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