Friday, January 9, 2009

ABDC Returns!!

I am unapolagetically fanatical about Mtv's dance-off extravaganza, America's Best Dance Crew... and its coming back!! The JabbaWockeeZ (which you can see to the left) stole Eleni and my heart in the first season, SuperCrew won us over for the second season. Needless to say, I have my finger on the DVR's record button for the new season which begins on January 15th. Plus, I may have a secret crush on Lil' Mama. A BADASS promo featuring SuperCrew after the jump...

SuperCrew kicks ass! My favorite performance of theirs was the ninja one fo sho.

Here is the promo for season 2 which featured the JabbaWockeez. I think it's cooler then the previous video but that last shot with the flaming circle makes me think the show is about a cooking competition for some reason.


Anonymous said...

I <3 ABDC!! A crush on Lil' Mama, ay? Should I be worried or jealous? I can start wearing oversized NY baseball caps too...

Unknown said...

I have to say that I lost interest about a third of the way into the second season. BUT, JabbaWockeeZ rocks my socks. Kaba Modern were my favorite. Yuri Tag? Hot!

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