Monday, January 19, 2009

The Centennial has come and gone. (Updated)

It's about time, Efren. I was waiting for you to post before I did again. Why? Cause I wanted you to have the 100th post. To be honest I thought that we would post a few times and then forget about it. I'm glad I was wrong. By the way, I would like to thank our four readers (we don't count). Who are those four? Why each of our girlfriends of course. And Harry. Thanks for the support. Back to the centenary... Is it weird that Efren disclosed his cold black heart to us on the 100th post? I think so.

Anyways, I'm sorry that Bush post made you angry, Efren. I just felt embarrassed. Maybe this will make you feel better.

PS. I don't think that it is a coincidence that today marks the 500th episode of The Colbert Report.

UPDATE: We have five readers (see comments), and I'm a jerk.


Unknown said...

you have five readers jerk!

Efren said...

Thanks for the 100th, buddy. Ill be excited when we make it to the 1000th post.

By the way, my cold black heart is only warmed by video games.

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