Thursday, January 8, 2009

E.G.M. R.I.P.

Long-running video game mag, Electronic Gaming Monthly, has come to the end of the road. To the left is the Cover for the February issue which unfortunately will never be shipped. Oh well, I suppose Egon was right when he declared "Print is Dead." Reminisce after the jump...

I personally have a lot of fond memories of video game magazines, primarily Nintendo Power which we had a subscription to. You may recall EGM was known for their annual April Fool's prank which were often hilarious. In fact I did a quick wikipedia search and found a full list of their pranks. Some notable standouts (from Wikipedia article):

1992: "Perhaps the most infamous of all the April Fools jokes was the Sheng Long trick for Street Fighter II. It was said that if one could get through Street Fighter II's grueling 11-character roster without taking a hit, and then get 9 "draws" in a row vs. final boss M. Bison, the player could supposedly fight against a special character called Sheng Long, who was said to be Ryu's master."

2001: "A small article in the April magazine advertised that Sega found a warehouse full of Sega Neptunes and were selling them off. There was a website listed where one could order a Neptune for $399.99. However, after one added it to their cart they were immediately directed to another web site that read "APRIL FOOLS!" and had a counter at the bottom of the screen showing how many people "fell" for it."

2006: "States that Apple Computer is making a portable gaming device called the iGame. The iGame would have been compatible with iTunes, Apple's music download store. Closer examination of one of the images revealed that the first letter in each game's title on the list spelled out EGMS APRIL FOOLS.
Coincidentally, current generation models of Apple's iPod device allow for the downloading and playing of small games through iTunes."

Oh well, another gaming mag bites the dust.
EGM 1988-2009.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I should start researching your potential Christmas gifts before I actually order them! Damn!

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