Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fallout Love

Yo!  ZombieR stopping in for a quick post, here...  So Adry's really been spreading the Fallout 3 love around this joint.  So much so, in fact, that it was HIS review that lead me to purchase this incredible game.  There's little that I disagree with in Adry's review.  He's pretty spot on.  And he's right about the ungodly time-suck this game has become for me.  "Just a quick quest" so easily turns into a 6-hour game-a-thon.  This being my first real venture into games of this genre (adventure/rpg/action), I have to say that the breadth with which Bethesda Studios has created a truly living, breathing virtual world is remarkable. Forget GTA...  It was a breathtaking (and intensely intimidating) experience catching your first glimpse of the Capitol Wasteland... "You mean I have to explore this?!?" To make a long story short, I'm in love. Some personalized Fallout 3 fun after the jump...

                          Handsomest devil in the Capitol Wasteland?

You have to love the character customization features in Fallout 3.  Don't think I've ever gotten so close in any other game.  Plus then I found some specs in-game...  Icing on the cake!  If I re-grow my mustache, I'll make the appropriate adjustments to my in-game avatar.  Pretty great resemblance, though, no?  Better than my Mii, anyway...


Efren said...

Umm... whats this Dropout game you guys keep goin on about.

Efren said...


Unknown said...

Wow, that is really close. You must be really busy up in Austin to have enough time to make your avatar look so much like you.

PS I'm thinking of starting a new game and trying to make me look like me again.

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