Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Would you answer that...?

It appears that Destiny is on the phone. For those of you who havent set your DVR's yet, Lost season 5 begins TONIGHT! Though I doubt it'll happen in the first episode of the season, I hope we'll find out why these A-holes that got off the island now seem "destined" to return. Will the law finally catch up with Kate and her "son?" Will Sayid continue his bid for title of "cooler than Jason Bourne covert ops super-chingon?" Will Hurley shed a single pound? Will Eleni accidentaly call Jack "Jake" again. We will soon find out!

Also... where the hell did the island teleport to?


Unknown said...

Hurley will never lose weight. He's been storing that Ranch somewhere, I know it.

I hope they tell us what happened to the Island. If not I suppose that they would tell us next week.

Also, make sure you aren't just recording the recap. Double check. I know I had to.

Anonymous said...

Even though Efren told me he set it all to record, I double checked this afternoon and we're set! (Sorry Efren) I'm so freakin excited about this season! Efren, you might have to put some sort of lock on the DVR cause I don't know know if I can wait till Friday to see it with you! ;)

Efren said...

Come over tonight and watch it at my house! :)

Anonymous said...

Good idea! Maybe even Temo will enjoy the premire...

Efren said...

I wish I could teleport Temo into my office. I also wish that he could turn into a smoke monster and vanquish my foes.
regardless... hes a great pup.

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